AutoSPY Analyzer

Variable analysis software

  • Graphical recording of different data sources
  • Subsequent analysis via free viewer
  • Suitable for long-term recordings
  • Convenient measurement and documentation
  • Search function to find states, edges, thresholds
  • Support of video cameras and OPC servers
  • Attractive company licenses on request

ACCON-AGLink technology inside



AutoSPY offers different drivers. There are several options you may choose from, but you'll need to select at least one.

AutoSPY driver S5 cycle-precise single license
AutoSPY driver S7-300/400 cycle-precise single license
AutoSPY driver S7 polling-precise single license
AutoSPY driver OPC single license
AutoSPY driver LabJack single license
AutoSPY driver video single license
Product number: 913001-W32-U

The variable analysis software

AutoSPY Analyzer is a software which records, displays and analyses process data of a PLC-controlled facilities. The software has successfully been on the market for years and is constantly improved to meet the growing requirements.

Perfect fields of application

  • Sequence logging by recording process data in a fixed period of time
  • Cause analysis of sporadic interferences by cycle-based recording
  • Process optimization by cycle-based recording
  • Checking the program logic by cycle accurate recording

Convincing and varied

Varied trigger possibilities are available for a specific recording. Thus, you can prevent the recording to get too big and too complex.
The data is continuously saved in a file. Recorded data can be displayed graphically or as a chart. There are different zoom and searching functions for analysis. With Visual Basic Script, you can create analysis methods on your own and adjust them to particular requirements. Thus, there are almost no limits for analysis. Additionally, you can export the signal data in a CSV file.

Technical highlights

  • Free AutoSPY Viewer for analyzing and viewing AutoSPY signal tracks
  • Diagnostics of sporadic interferences
  • Long time capturing of suspicious signals
  • Triggering for known error effects
  • Concentration on certain periods of time
  • Measuring the duration of process steps
  • Easier production optimization
  • Support when creating applications, testing and validating software
  • Grouping signals for better overview
  • Support for STEP 7 TIA Portal V18 (online and offline)
  • ACCON-AGLink technology inside

You have the choice

The basic module can display and analyse recorded process data.
In order to record process data, a driver is required so that there are different supplementary modules resulting from the various available drivers:

Available Drivers

  • S5 cycle-precise
  • S7-300/400 cycle-precise
  • S7-300/400/1200/1500 polling-precise
  • OPC DA and OPC UA
  • LabJack
  • Video

The cycle-precise driver modifies the PLC program automatically and guarantees a recording of the process values for every PLC cycle. The polling-precise driver records the process value in a certain period of time which has to be set without changing the PLC program. In order to record data from different device manufacturers, an OPC driver complements the range. The video driver enables capturing videos from IP cameras and DirectShow compatible video sources such as webcams and many industrial cameras (USB cameras).

  AutoSPY Analyzer
AutoSPY driver S7-300/400 cycle-precise AutoSPY driver S7-300/400/1200/1500 polling-precise AutoSPY driver S5 cycle-precise
Supported Operating Systems

Windows XP+SP3, Vista+SP2, 7+SP1, 8/8.1 and 10

Hardware requirements PC At least Pentium 4, 1024 MB RAM, 100 MB free disk space for software, a free USB-Port At least Pentium 4, 1024 MB RAM, 100 MB free disk space for software und sufficient hard disk space for log files
Hardware requirements PLC   At least 3 KB free RAM, at least  4 KB free loading memory, at least. 4 unused DB's, at least 2 unused FC's or FB's   At least 3 KB free RAM, at least 4 unused DB's, at least 4 unused FB's
Supported PLCs   S7-300, S7-400 (S7-300/400 compatible PLC, e.g. Vipa, Saia, Berthel) S7-300/400/1200/1500 (S7-300/400 compatible PLC, e.g. Vipa, Saia, Berthel) S5 of the U series, without S5-90U
Operation in the PLC program   Automatic integration of additional program and data blocks Not necessary Automatic integration of additional program and data blocks
Polling-rate   Linked to the PLC cycle time Adjustable depending on communication minimal aup to 30 ms possible Linked to the PLC cycle time
Time of data collection   Cycle beginning Not controllable Cycle beginning
Triggering possible   Yes Yes Yes

Supported communication channels

PLC interface PC interface
TCP/IP USB RS-232 Siemens CP
S7-300/400 via MPI ACCON-NetLink-PRO compact ACCON-NetLink-USB compact ACCON-MPI-Adapter RS-232 +
S7-300/400 via PROFIBUS ACCON-NetLink-PRO compact ACCON-NetLink-USB compact - +
S7-300/400 via TCP/IP (PN/IE) + - - +
S5 via PG connector (AS511) ACCON-S5-LAN ACCON-COM-Cable USB ACCON-COM-Cable -

+ Possible without adapter
- Not possible

First Steps AutoSPY Analyzer
AutoSPY_First_Steps_en.pdf 1,44 MB July 03, 2024
Installation file and manual of AutoSPY Analyzer 2023.2 (v4.9.0)
Limitations of Demo Version:
The demo version provides all functionality of the full version, but only two signals of one data source can be recorded at a time. Displaying is limited to the first two signals of each signal trace document as well. Capturing of videos is limited to one minute. Other time constraints for recording or usage do not exist. 126 MB August 23, 2023
Free standalone software for viewing, marking and measuring AutoSPY signal traces. Available in English and German. AutoSPY Viewer lacks following functions of Analyser AutoSPY:
  - recording new signal data
  - printing, importing and exporting signal data
  - searching in signal data and script-based analysis 6.37 MB August 23, 2023
AutoSPY versions history
AutoSPY_version_history.txt 51 KB August 23, 2023
Installation file and manual of AutoSPY Analyzer 2022.4 (v4.7.0) 102 MB February 06, 2023
Installation file and manual of AutoSPY Analyzer Version 3.8.0  79.0 MB  June 09, 2020

I constantly receive ring buffer overflows in my AutoSPY recording. What can I do?

A ring buffer overflow occurs when the data buffer (data blocks in the S7) is filled before the recorded data for AutoSPY has been transferred to the PC. Two speeds affect it:

1. Data transfer rate from S7 to PC. You may be able to use a faster communication path here (for example, Ethernet).

2. PLC cycle time. If this is very fast, the data blocks are filled earlier. If the PLC cycle time is e.g. 2 - 3 ms, this is quite fast. Then the danger is very high that there occurs a ring buffer overflow. You can try to increase the data buffer. That is, one can use longer data blocks and multiple DBs. This allows you to record data for a long time without receiving a ring buffer overflow.

For example, with a data buffer of 3 DBs to 512 bytes, you can record 0.7 seconds of data without getting a ring buffer overflow. If you now use 10 DBs with 1024 bytes, you can record 5.1 seconds of data without overflow. If you use 10 DBs with 10240 bytes, you can record 51.2 seconds of data without overflow. The size of the ring buffer can be set in the configuration of AutoSPY.